[Conference PPT] Hijab Cosplay Phenomenon, Between Syar’i and Stylish

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Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference

22-25 March 2018 at Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC-USA

Panel title Islam and Japan Pop Culture

Chaired by Ranny Rastati

Presentation schedule 25 March 2018 (08.30-10.30 am)

Hijab Cosplay Phenomenon, Between Syar’i and Stylish

Ranny Rastati (Indonesian Institute of Sciences)


The fashionable hijab (Islamic headscarf) is widely used among Indonesian Muslims as it is seen more stylish and modern. The establishment was marked by a group of stylish hijabi community called `Hijabers Community` in 2010. This fashionable hijab phenomenon then penetrates into the cosplay community, birthing the new movement of hijab cosplay. Hijab cosplayers finds creative ways to incorporate their hijab into their costumes by mimicking the hair designs using their head cover. This phenomenon began to appear in Indonesia around 2011-2012, where they are further developed in 2014 and received international attention in 2017. Hijab cosplay provide a space for young Muslim to practice their faith while enjoying the cosplay experience. The problems lies in the types and characteristics of hijab cosplayer. The study is conducted with in-depth interviews and observation in informant’s social media accounts; Facebook and Instagram. Through the observation, there are two types of hijab cosplayer; hijab cosplayer syar’i and hijab cosplayer stylish. Hijab cosplayer syar’i are seen as creative da’wah (preaching Islam), where the costumes must observe the correct way to dress according to Islamic law. Hijab cosplayer stylish’, on the other hand, are cosplaying without taking off the hijab and modifying the hijab to imitate the character’s hair, but does not necessarily observe the correct Islamic dress code. The end goal for the study are to clearly identify the type and characteristic of hijab cosplayer.

Keywords    : hijab cosplay, hijab cosplayer type, characteristic, syar’i, stylish, Islam, cosplay

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